Fundamental Truths

  • In war the best policy is to take a state intact.
  • Too Much is the Same as Not Enough
  • Fear is the Mind-Killer
  • All Warfare is based upon deception.

Sunday, January 16, 2011

On the Death of Prep

So, as may or may not be known by the 0.5 people who read this, I am a survivalist. I firmly believe that sooner or later, something's going to give, and by "something," I mean "everything."

While down in Indiana, I had a group of like-minded hombres, and we spent our non-gaming, non-debauched time working on prep.

Yeah, we have our share of mall ninja-ry, but we know it for what it is, and for the most part, our plans are actually better than many.

Or in my case, were.

Because a strange thing happened when I took my current job-

I got pre-bugged out.

I live in a community so tiny and so far from major population centers that even a full-scale riot could be suppressed by one man with a ten-round magazine.

We are very much the end of the line- there is nowhere to bug out TOO.

Which is not to say that the community is fully self-sufficient and sustainable- far from it, we rely on fuel oil from outside, if the power goes out, we all bitch about it, and none of the kids have paid enough attention to their grandparents to know what to do in a survival situation.


When the power goes out here- sometimes for days- the biggest hitch is in bathing.
There is no panic, just mild annoyance. Some houses didn't have electrical power until about three years ago.

Everyone out here has a water filter- not because the water will kill you, but because it has a very real chance of being.... unpleasant (read: Mexican-style burning liquid shits).

Everyone stockpiles dietary staples, not because we can't buy them, but because shipping them out here is an utter bitch. I haven't restocked basic dry goods since August, and I still have forty pounds of rice, fifty pounds of flour, and about five large packs of spaghetti.

I also have a freezer full of caribou meat, and that brings up another advantage this place has-

Hunting and fishing are a way of life. And I don't mean, "you and your dad go duck hunting on the weekends.."

I have several gallons of blueberry preserves at my disposal. There is dried fish all over.

In short, I am, while here in the village, better prepared than my own skill level should really justify.

Which brings me to a sad side-note- I am semi-prepared out here.

But in the summer months, I am now completely unprepared. My bug-out bag (what remains of it) is in a basement in Utah. My hometown is, while better set up than some, incapable of feeding its population from the surrounding countryside. And my water filtration system is out here, not there.

Which means for the next few years, until I can establish myself, I will swing from unconcern to worry I can do nothing about as I migrate.

It's.... vexing, to say the least.