Fundamental Truths

  • In war the best policy is to take a state intact.
  • Too Much is the Same as Not Enough
  • Fear is the Mind-Killer
  • All Warfare is based upon deception.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Super Bowl Sunday

Is, as always, going to be an overproduced nightmare, a study of atrocity against the simple joy of watching large men in body armor beating the crap out of each other. Sad but true.

We have, of course, gotten lucky the last two years, and seen great football between bouts of talking head idiocy and incredibly expensive commercials.

But the game usually sucks.

So, how is it that this, the unsung National Holiday, has managed to hold on so long?

I guess it's because of people like me.

People who really do know better... but tune in anyway, desperate t see a new champion crowned, even if the game is actually an awful, one-sided blowout.

So as you sit on your couch today, cheering on the Colts (or the Saints. I guess. Fuckers.), I want you to remember-

I will KILL you if you fuck up my enjoyment of the most commercialized day of the year.

Because much as I love to think differently, I too worship at the shrine of Capitalist Amerika at least once a year.

And I hope to see some overpaid schlub in tears by day's end.

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